Wednesday, December 26, 2012

3 Months Old!

At 3 months old, Henry:
  • Rolled front to back on 12/26 (his 3 month birthday)!
  • Is the happiest, smiliest, giggliest little ball of love.  Oh how we love this sweet boy!  
  • "Talks" a lot!  Especially during and after a feeding, he'll look at you and "talk".  He's obviously trying to tell us something.  Something IMPORTANT.  John and I joke that once he starts talking, he isn't going to stop :)
  • Eats every 3-3.5 hours during the day.  Right now his schedule is 8am, 11am, 2pm, 5pm, 7pm, 11pm and sometime in the middle of the night, usually between 4-5am.  
  • Yes, that's right, this little guy is giving his mommy a 5-6 hour stretch at night!  And not just the time between feedings but still requiring multiple visits to replace his pacifier.  We're talking about a stretch of 5-6 hours of actually SLEEP!  
  • His sleep schedule during the day is also pretty good.  He's usually awake for 1 hour (maybe stretching to 1hr 15 min) and then fusses (not really crying, but making unhappy sounds), which is mommy's cue that he wants to go to sleep.  During the day, I'll take him upstairs, swaddle him, put him in his bouncy seat and he'll put himself to sleep.  He's transitioned to 3 naps during the day--morning, mid-day and afternoon.  He's officially dropped his evening/pre-bedtime nap.  2 of the naps are shorter (roughly 1 hour) and 1 is longer (2-3 hours).
  • Bedtime is a major challenge for us.  It's pretty much the only time that he's a hard baby or really even cries, unless he's in the car.  We start bedtime around 6:30pm and most nights he isn't asleep in his crib until 8:30.  He'll go down around 7:30 but we spend the next hour trying to get him into a deep sleep.  He'll fall asleep, then wake up crying.  We'll hold him until he's asleep again, put him back down, and try again.  We think his reflux is a factor but are still trying to figure out what he needs during this time.  Given how incredibly easy he is the rest of the time, I can't complain about 1 bad hour a day.
  • Wears 6 month clothes.  He needs them for the length but still doesn't quite fill them out in the middle.  He's definitely not as chubby as his siblings were at this age, although we're starting to see some leg rolls and extra chins.
  • Wears size 1 diapers during the day and size 2 diapers at night.  We're working through a final box of size 1 diapers and then we'll move to size 2 diapers all the time.
  • Still sleeps in a swaddle, although the time is limited.  We actually have him in a miracle blanket (swaddle blanket with extra straps to keep his arms in place), but Henry Houdini breaks out of it each night (which is usually when he wakes up in the middle of the night).  I think we'll need to order a sleep sack soon, although the transition from swaddled to un-swaddled is one of my least favorite infant transitions.  
  • Uses the pacifier but isn't "in love" with it like his siblings.  He'll suck on it, mostly as he's falling asleep, but as soon as he's asleep, he spits it out and doesn't want it anymore.  He's found his hands and definitely enjoys chewing/sucking on them while he's awake, but he hasn't quite figured out how to use them to soothe himself yet.
  • Loves his siblings and JGray and Delia love him right back.  He lights up when they come over and talk to him.  All smiles and coos and all-around extra happy baby.
  • Can't stand the car.  Yikes, he is UNHAPPY in the car!  He basically cries from the moment the car seat "clicks" into the base and doesn't stop crying until we take him out of the car.  He's fine in the car seat but doesn't like being in the car.  We think it's because he's so incredibly social and doesn't like feeling "alone" in the car.  We do our best to ignore him, but it would be nice to have a baby who enjoyed car rides!

Henry continues to bring such happiness to our home.  He is a ray of sunshine on these cold, dreary winter days and all of us are totally in love with him.

Seriously, how could you not love this face????

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas!

We've had a wonderful Christmas!  Here are just a few of the highlights.

Christmas Eve before church

All dressed in new pajamas (thank you Pajama Elves) and ready for bed

Henry is excited about Santa too!

Happy hugs on Christmas morning

Thursday, December 6, 2012


As in years past, we drive to a less popular mall here in town to see Santa.  It started when JGray was a toddler and I knew that he probably wasn't up for waiting in line to sit quietly on a stranger's lap.  Honestly, I didn't think he'd go anywhere near Santa, so I didn't even dress him up for the occasion.  Well, he proved me wrong and hopped up on Santa's lap and smiled that huge JGray smile.  Since then we've made a point of driving to this other mall just to see this Santa.  He looks quite legit--authentic white beard--and is very sweet with the kids.  That's the Santa that Delia first visited and the tradition continues with Henry.  I took John for reinforcements tonight, just in case the baby started to fuss while I was trying to make sure the big kids' hair looked okay.  I was prepared for a bit of wait, but Santa was waiting for us!  Delia is very into Santa this year and we're lucky because JGray is still a believer.  And Henry, well Henry just goes with the flow :)  Since there wasn't a line, the photo elves spent a few minutes trying to get the perfect picture.  I think they did a great job!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Lights, lights, lights!

It's become a family tradition for us to go to Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden with MaMa and Pop to see the Gardenfest of Lights.  It's an incredible light display--THOUSANDS of lights on/in/around all the plants, flowers and trees.  We're in the middle of an amazing warm weather spell with high temperatures in the 70s so we decided to take advantage of the forecast and head to the garden.  Note to self, always arrive when it opens at 5pm.  Resist the temptation to wait until it's "really dark".  The lights are just as pretty at dusk, plus you avoid all the lines to enter.  When we left around 6:30pm, the lines in the lobby to buy tickets were insane.  Plus, we avoided kid meltdown from staying out too late. A moment of mommy brilliance!

The kids were probably a little over-dressed but it was such a pleasant surprise to be warm.  The last few years have been so cold and it was nice to be able to feel my fingers and toes the entire time.  JGray and Delia had a blast running around, checking out the lights and eating s'mores.  Henry hung out in his car seat the entire time.  He continues to be the most mellow of the Schmitts.