Friday, May 22, 2009

Four Months Old!

Delia was four months old on Tuesday, and it's incredible to see how much she's changing every day. She went to the doctor this morning and the doctor said that she's great! At four months, Delia:
  1. Weighs 13lb 13oz (50th percentile) and is 24.75 inches long (60th percentile).
  2. Rolls from back to tummy!!! As a frame of reference, John Grayson didn't roll this way until he was 5 months old. I think we may have an early crawler/walker on our hands....
  3. Is incredibly mobile. She holds her head up by herself and even tries to push up to standing when you hold her hands.
  4. Loves to smile.
  5. Loves to coo and "talk" to you.
  6. Thinks her big brother is the funniest person ever. She watches him whenever he's in the room with her, and it's obvious that she cannot wait to be playing with him.
  7. Enjoys chewing on her hands. She doesn't favor one finger or hand over another, but sucks on them all equally.
  8. Still likes to be swaddled, although now we have her sleeping with one arm out of the swaddle. One of our goals for this month is to get her out of that swaddle, or at least to get both arms out of it!
  9. Is stubborn. She is such a happy, smiley, sweet baby, but watch out when she gets mad. Sleep training could prove to be a challenge :-)
Here is a picture we took earlier this week of the two kids together. The resemblance is unmistakable!

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