Tuesday, August 16, 2011

5 Years Old!

Yet again, I am behind on the blog. I'm doing much better keeping photos updated on Facebook, but I seem to have trouble finding the time to update FB and the blog. I'm going to try to make the blog a priority for a while. We'll see how long it lasts :-)

John Grayson turned 5 back in August. He is growing up so fast and seems like such a "big" boy to us now. He is so smart, funny and kind. He gives the best hugs and still loves to snuggle with his mommy (yay for me!)

He started Pre-K at Mount Vernon in September and he absolutely loves school. He is so glad that he gets to go everyday and is learning so much. He can write his full name (first, middle last) and is "practicing" kindergarten skills in preschool. During his fall parent-teacher conference, his teacher told us that he's wonderful (but of course we already know that). He will be more than ready for kindergarten when he starts next fall.

At 5 years old, John Grayson:
  • Is 42.5 inches tall (50th percentile) and weighs 42 pounds (50th percentile).
  • Loves to draw and write. He's constantly asking how to spell certain words and he'll spell his own words and ask what he's written. He's taking an art class after school on Wednesdays, and his work is incredible (although I know I'm a little biased). He is very creative and draws detailed pictures of dinosaurs, sharks, trees, people and lots of other things.
  • Loves Legos. That boy will take a box of legos and build all sorts of trucks, houses, and cars. He doesn't get frustrated as he's building. He just keeps working on them. He'll spend his entire quiet time on most days creating lego masterpieces.
  • Is playing flag football this fall. Gulp, did you know they sometimes tackle in flag football? I didn't either or else I might have questioned letting him play. But he had fun this season with great coaches and learned a lot about the game. He wants to play tennis this winter and is thinking about trying soccer again in the spring.
  • Loves books. Each night, he and John read from a chapter book. We're amazed with how much he understands and remembers. He's read books like "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory", "Stuart Little", "James and the Giant Peach", and countless books from the Magic Treehouse series. He listens to Jack and Annie (from Magic Treehouse) every night as he's falling asleep.
  • Is so funny and loves to laugh. He's trying to learn some knock-knock jokes. Let's just say that he's making progress but still has a way to go ;-)
  • Is a rule-follower. Hmmm, I wonder if he got that from his mommy??? He gets upset when Delia doesn't do things like she's supposed to (which is quite often). His teacher even told us that he's like that in the classroom too. He still gets the occasional case of the giggles and gets in trouble from time to time, but he is a great kid. He always wants to do the right thing and is concerned when other kids get hurt.
  • Has a hot and cold relationship with Delia right now. Either he loves her or he is furious with her. She doesn't make it very easy on him with her fiesty personality and little sister's desire to drive him crazy. He is very protective of her though. If anyone is mean to her when they're together, he runs to her defense and makes sure that she's okay. He's her ultimate defender and it makes this Mommy's heart very happy.

John Grayson, you're growing up so fast and are an incredible boy. You bring such happiness, laughter and amazement into our lives. I pinch myself sometimes and wonder what I did to deserve a son as wonderful as you. Your daddy and I cannot wait to watch you grow and embark on many new adventures! We love you!

1 comment:

B-Mama said...

FINALLY getting on here to spy on you from down the street!! Beautiful blog... Hope to be back here more for all the details of life with the Schmitts!