Friday, October 26, 2012

One Month Old!

And just like that, Henry is a month old.  The third time around, I find myself enjoying this baby time more.  I'm more willing to take those extra minutes to snuggle.  More willing to stare into that cute little baby face (currently covered with baby acne) in the middle of the night.  Because I know it goes by so quickly.

At one month, Henry:

  • Weighs 9lb 12oz (40th percentile) and is 22 inches long (60th percentile).
  • Loves to snuggle.  For the first time, I have a baby who likes to snuggle!  Not in a cranky, "you have to hold me or I'll scream" sort of way, but in a "I just like you to hold me" way.  He loves for you to pat his back/bottom too.  He'll fall asleep in your arms and easily transfers to the bouncy seat or car seat.
  • Still sleeps in the bouncy seat because yet again, we have a baby with reflux :(  At least we're in the know about needing medication, but I still don't like to lay him flat in the crib when he spits up as much as he does.  We're hoping to switch his medicine soon and then hopefully the spitting up will decrease (fingers crossed).
  • Adores his big brother and sister.  I mean, who can blame him because they're amazing kids who talk A LOT, run around A LOT, make noise A LOT and love him A LOT.  Both big kids ask to hold him multiple times a day and I do my best to accomodate their requests.  Henry is particularly fond of his big brother's cuddles and has fallen asleep in his arms more than once.  Delia wiggles around too much for Henry's taste so their snuggle time is shorter, but I have a feeling that they'll be fast friends once Henry is bigger and more interactive.
  • Is a GOOD sleeper!  Woo hoo, I have a baby who likes to sleep!  He'll usually give me a 4-5 hour stretch at night and then consistent 3-3.5 hour stretches.  Putting him down is usually pretty easy.  He fusses a bit during the day (but I honestly don't mind holding him for naps during the day). Lucky for me, he goes right back down after his nighttime feedings.  Best of all, he sleeps for the entire duration between feedings.  He doesn't love the pacifier--he'll use it to soothe himself, but as soon as he's ready to go to sleep, he spits the pacifier out, closes his eyes and is out.  No trips back into his room between feedings to replace the paci--woo hoo!!!
  • Is a GREAT eater!  The boy loves to eat, and it's such a relief for nursing to be such a non-event.  
  • Wears 0-3 month clothes and Size 1 diapers.  He wears footed sleepers most of the time because it's so much easier not to deal with socks!  Speaking of feet, Henry's are HUGE.  He fills up the feet on those sleepers, already.  Wonder if he's going to grow into those feet ;)
  • And best of all, he SMILES!!!!!  Yes world, Henry Schmitt has quite the grin.  With dimples.  It doesn't take much to coax a smile out of him either, which melts this mommy's heart.
For those of you who are wondering, Henry looks a little bit like John Grayson and a little bit like Delia.  I think the natural inclination is to say he looks like JGray (the brother thing), but his nose favors Delia and his coloring is a bit more like his sister's.  His dark hair has started to fall out, so we'll have to wait and see what color it ends up being.  Oh, his eyes are the most beautiful blue color.  Dark blue.  And the lashes!  I think we finally have a Schmitt kid with Embrey eyes!  Henry already has dark, long lashes that get thicker and longer each day.  I can't wait to see what they'll finally look like since both JGray and Delia have beautiful lashes but it just took a while for them to appear.

A few pictures of Henry at 1 month:

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