Monday, September 16, 2013

Enjoying the weather

The weather has been delightful over the last week, so the kids and I have been playing outside a lot.  I've also tried to arrange park picnic lunches after school.  With Delia in school every morning, we've had to move into the realm of mid-day/afternoon play dates.  For now, we're lucky that Henry's nap schedule allows for such fun.  He naps 9:30-11:00 and 2:00-4:00 most days, so we get a great window for playtime in the middle of the day.

Delia loves to run and play.  And I love to watch her sprint around the playground as fast as her legs will carry her.  She runs and jumps and spins and climbs.  I love her fearlessness.

Henry loves to swing.  His smile makes his entire face light up.  I love his unbridled joy.  The littlest thing makes him so happy.  It's impossible not smile and laugh when you're around him.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love those sweet faces!!