Tuesday, September 3, 2013

New Beginnings

It's a new beginning.  For the school year and for this blog.  I'm embarking on a 365 project adventure with a few friends.  I'm committing to taking a picture each day and posting it on the blog.  I'm going to try to add a few comments about what we're doing that day or funny things that the kids have said.  Some days it may just be a picture.  But I want to get back to blogging so I'll have a record of our goings-on.  So, with no further ado, I give you the first posting in the Schmitt School Year 365 Project!


It's the first day of school in the Schmitt household!  Well, technically it's only first day for the big 1st grader.  Delia doesn't start until next week.  But school is in the air--new supplies, new friends, new schedule.  It's crazy to think that this time last year I was VERY pregnant and waddling to the bus stop, and this year, we brought a very happy little guy in a push car.  My how things change!

JGray was so ready for school.  He has an amazing teacher, Mrs. V, who everyone raves about.  From the open house, it was obvious that she loves teaching and brings a wonderful sense of fun and excitement to the classroom.  It's contagious.  He was relaxed and ready this morning.  No nerves, just smiles.  You know it's been a good first day when your child is just as happy getting off the bus as he was getting on it!

My sweet boy is a 1st grader.  He's smart, funny, kind, and creative.  He loves to ride his bike, run with Mommy and Daddy, read, and play Minecraft.  He's the best big brother.  Yes, he gets annoyed with his little sister sometimes, but he loves his sister and brother.  He's a wonderful role model.  Oh, how I love this boy!

1 comment:

B-Mama said...

Way to go, JG! And way to go on this project!! I'm excited to keep up with the Schmitts! I would also like to document that Mom Schmitt worked her tail off in bootcamp yesterday and spin today. We go to class too! ;)