Sunday, January 10, 2010

A Date with Dinosaurs

Last Wednesday, John Grayson and I had a date with dinosaurs. Dinosaurs of the robotic variety. JGray's big Christmas gift was two tickets to see "Walking With Dinosaurs," an arena show with 15 life-size robotic dinosaurs. We thought it might be nice for him to have some quality time with his Mommy (and for me to have some quality time with JGray). The show was in Hampton, so we left right after school. JGray napped in the car and we had an uneventful drive. We got there about an hour early----just in time to buy some souvenirs. After buying a $25 t-shirt and $20 program, we were on our way to our seats. Fourth row, at the end of the arena. Perfect for dinosaur viewing. Lots of kids were wearing headphone or earplugs, but I reminded JGray that if the "paleontologist" in the arena (i.e., the actor who talked about the dinosaurs) could be in the ring next to the dinosaurs, then we were safe. Lucky for me, this logic seemed to hold. John Grayson was very brave and seemed to love seeing the big dinosaurs. He sampled a variety of expensive snacks---$3 snow cone, $4 popcorn, $3 lemonade---and had a wonderful time. It was a special day for me because I don't get to spend much alone time with my sweet (most of the time) boy. He got a little scared when the Mommy T-Rex came out and roared not once, but four times. Compared to the boy sitting next to us who left crying shortly after intermission, John Grayson did a fantastic job! After the show, we had dinner at Five Guys and drove home. JGray was so worn out from his fun day with Mommy that he slept in the car. I had a great time and loved spending special time with my special boy.

Here are some pictures from our date:

Waiting patiently for the dinosaurs

Enjoying dinner at Five Guys

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