Monday, July 26, 2010

18 Months Old!

Delia is 18 months old. One and a half years. Half way to two. Please explain to me how that happened so fast! The best word to describe Delia at 18 months is FEARLESS! She will climb anything, jump off anything, and loves to do somersaults. Tonight she climbed into the rocking chair in her bedroom, stood up and started rocking. I had a hand nearby, just in case, but she got the biggest smile on her face and started laughing. I think she amazes herself with what she can do (and Mommy and Daddy too)!

At 18 months, Delia:

  • Weighs 24lb 10oz (50th percentile) and is 32.5 inches (75th percentile). She continues to come down the curve in weight, but I attribute that to her lack of appetite recently. Unlike her big brother, Delia has become a picky eater and the only certainty at the table is her love of fruit. That child could eat her body weight in blueberries, watermelon, bananas, apples and nectarines!
  • Jumps!
  • Climbs!
  • Talks, a lot! She consistently says---hello, Mommy, Daddy, JJ (for JGray), Usty (for Dusty), oggie (for dog, always accompanied by a panting sound because Dusty doesn't bark), oooh ooooh (for train), please, more. She's also used lots of other words but not as frequently---bubble, book, cup, all done, baby, eat, tomato, glasses, car, bye bye (although she waves good-bye all the time). She makes lots of great animal sounds----pants for a dog, roar for lions, dinosaurs and bears, "eow" (meow) for cats.
  • Loves playing with her dolls and stuffed animals. She recently started sitting them in the chairs at her little table and bringing the play food over to them.
  • Loves to push her doll stroller, usually filled with a variety of items. Necklaces, shoes, drinks, toys, and the occasional doll or stuffed animal.
  • Finally started getting her top teeth. The top two on the right are finally pushing through and we can see the ones on the left. Thank goodness because I was beginning to wonder if she'd ever have top teeth or would be forced to eat without them. It hasn't slowed down her eating so far, but I have a feeling her speech will improve once she has top teeth.
  • Loves to listen to music and dance. The family dance party is probably one of Delia's favorite things. She loves Bon Jovi and Lady GaGa. She knows the Bon Jovi songs from the first bar of music and immediately smiles and starts dancing. She likes to throw in some yoga poses (standing on her head) and some gymnastics (forward rolls) too. And now that she can jump, Delia loves to bounce on the couch and on the floor.
  • Still has some separation issues, but we're working on them. We go to the gym at least 4 days a week---so I can work out and so Delia can have some practice being away from me. There is one girl that Delia is particularly fond of, so if Miss Kathleen is there, then Delia is happy. If not, then there are tears. Luckily she calms down quickly and is fine for the rest of the time.
  • Has a temper. Unlike John Grayson, who could easily be distracted with a different toy/book/activity, Delia gets MAD if you tell her no or take something away. And once she gets mad, she lets you know by stomping around the house and crying. She is definitely dramatic!

Delia is one of the happiest, silliest, sweetest little girls that you'll ever meet. I still have trouble believing that she's already 18 months old, but she is definitely becoming a little lady. She has a strut in her walk that always makes me smile and a mischievous grin that makes me nervous for the teenage years. There is so much personality crammed into that little body. I can't wait until she's really talking because it's apparent that she has LOTS to say!

Having a tea party with one of her stuffed animals

Our first attempt at pig tails! Delia loves her stuffed animals Going down the slide at the Children's Museum. And no, she did not want my help!

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