Monday, July 12, 2010

Random iPhone Pictures

I've had the iPhone for just under a year now and take pictures here and there, but I rarely, if ever post them outside of the occasional Facebook posting. Having a little time this evening I figured I share a few of the highlights from the past few months....

John Grayson got to experience his first White Sox game this year at Nationals Park on Father's Day. I'm happy to say that our White Sox won that day (although we did not see then end as JGray announced the game over in the 7th inning). While I found the time with my boy and the baseball the fondest part of my memory, I'm sure that John Grayson will most appreciate eating a little bit of everything and getting some random souvenirs. Either way, a great time was had by all.
John Grayson has been getting more creative during the evening dance parties. I think he is going through a P-Funk phase, bringing some eccentric eyewear and different instruments to our evenings. Believe it or not, he was belting out "You Give Love a Bad Name" in the picture above.
While in Chicago I caught Delia thoroughly enjoying the Children's Museum. She is going to have to take some lessons from her brother on how to do the big chair pose.

I really wish this picture could have come out better. This is Delia with her Great Grandma Schmitt. Great Grandma loved spending time talking to Delia while we were there. Delia talked back but we're still working on understanding.

The pictures above were from John Grayson's last day of pre-school this past year. Miss Staci and Miss Bridgette were great teachers! The funny thing is I didn't even have to ask for the pictures, he actually asked if he get pictures with his teachers on the last day because he was going to miss them.

To finish off I figured I'd share what happens when you take a preschooler to the Cracker Barrel and let him order breakfast on his own. He ended up with strawberry pancakes with whipped cream, a biscuit, some eggs, two orders of bacon and some sausage. Now I know why Allison orders for him when we go out to eat.

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