Sunday, September 14, 2008

A Baby Girl

On Friday afternoon, Allison and I made our way to the doctor to find out what type of baby we are going to have. We didn't find out with John Grayson, but for no reasons that we can explain well, we wanted to know this time around. It was kind of odd, within 30 seconds of 'ultra-sounding' Allison, the tech told us, 'Its a little Girl'. I guess we were expecting some grand build up or something, but nonetheless very glad that it is very obvious that we know the gender of our upcoming bundle of joy. Both of us are very excited, and very nervous at the same time!

Thoughts/Feelings/Things overheard within the first 24 hours:

1. So excited that John Grayson will have a sister; he predicted correctly!

2. I will have to learn how to use something other than sports analogies to describe my child's progress. Slowly realizing that I have no frame of reference when it comes to 'girl' stuff.

3. Disturbed when told by a friend that my daugter will make a great girlfriend for their son. Now suspicious of all little boys, and frankly some of my single friends.

4. Based on number 3, considering learning some Martial Arts, or buying a gun.

5. We bought JGray a little Cabbage Patch doll to teach him how to handle a baby. He has proceeded to drag it around on the ground. That and he really wants it to poop.

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