Sunday, September 14, 2008

Boys Weekend

On Saturday morning, Allison (Mommy) headed up to NYC for the weekend to run/walk the Race for the Cure with a few of her friends (Aunt Sarah, Aunt Oli, and Aunt Courtney). That left us boys to run the place for the weekend. I (Daddy) had a bike ride to do on Saturday morning, so we started our boys weekend as of Saturday afternoon. After we purchased a doll (not as much a guys activity) we headed over to Chuck-E-Cheese. This was our first ever trip to this establishment. We ordered one of those Pizza/Tokens deals and got down to business.

Little did we know, Bob the Builder stores some of his equipment there. We proceeded to drive his equipment for quite some time.
After working for Bob became tiresome we explored the rest of the place. I glanced over to our table and our 'Pizza' had arrived. (On that note, if anyone ever goes there for the food, I would be greatly surprised) As we were finishing, we saw JGray's friend Jackson DeHaven there. They paired up to drive the Chuck-E-Cheese bus.
Both Jackson and JGray seem to be smart kids, so I am hoping that their academic pursuits will be much greater than Chuck E. Cheese school. One of my favorite rides that JGray likes was this car/movie combination thing. The best part is that it spits out one of these at the end.
The technology these kids have these days is incredible. While not as high quality as a professional portrait, it is a fine souvenir of our time. An hour and a half at the Cheese was more than enough to tire JGray (and Daddy) out for the entire evening.

On Sunday morning after a short run we headed down to the Classics on the James, a European auto show set on Brown's Island. JGray has been a big fan of race cars lately, so we figured it would be a good idea to go see some exotic vehicles. While we did good initially, JGray soon learned that Daddy was not going to let him touch other people cars that cost as much as our house.

Soon we learned that if we walked around the cars, the nice men who owned them would open the door and let them look inside. That made it much more fun.
JGray kept on telling the men who owned the cars that "Daddy Drive Car". Unfortunately, none of those folks took my son's advice and let me drive their vehicles. All in all, it was a very successful boys weekend, and boy are we glad to have Mommy home.

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