At 14 months, Delia:
* Saw her own shadow for the first time. On March 7th, John and I took Delia to the mall for a little outside time and shopping (JGray was with MaMa and Pop). Since it's an outdoor mall, Delia got to run around outside in the beautiful spring weather. Not unlike Puxatawney Phil, Delia saw her shadow! The weather has been so cold and snowy this winter that poor Delia hasn't been outside much since she started walking. Now that she's a girl on the move, she loves playing outside. It was so cute to see her trying to run into her shadow and giggling the entire time.
* Got her 3rd tooth (bottom left) on March 7th and is working on several more. The poor thing hasn't been sleeping as well as normal because her mouth is bothering her. We'll all be glad (Mommy in particular) when those teeth appear.
* Knows where her tummy is. When you ask her where her tummy is, she gets a huge grin on her face and immediately starts patting her tummy. She also knows where Mommy, Daddy and JGray's tummies are. She's definitely gifted :-) Next body part? Her nose. At this rate, she'll know her body parts by the time she's 2.
* Loves to shake her head "no" when she doesn't want to do something. One of her favorite things not to do is giving Daddy a kiss. She'll kiss Mommy, JGray and Dusty, but not Daddy. We think she's just having fun teasing Daddy because it's obvious that she adores him.
* Has quite the vocabulary! She's added "all done, Dust (for Dusty), uh oh, duck, chair, bye bye, hi, diaper, food" to her list of words. I'm sure she says lots of other things but I haven't been able to decipher them just yet. She "talks" all the time and it's only a matter of time until she's talking in full (and understandable) sentences!
* Cannot wait until she's a big girl. We take John Grayson to gymnastics class every week and Delia watches intently from the observation room. Last week she made a mad dash for the door when Ms. Ivy opened it, and it's obvious that she cannot wait until she can be in the gym tumbling and using the equipment. JGray got a ribbon for completing the last session and Ms. Ivy let Delia stand on the podium too. It was so cute!
* Is starting to drop her morning nap. Delia loves to nap and has turned into a great sleeper, but she has started skipping her morning nap. I always put her in the crib, but half the time she doesn't sleep. She sits quietly in her crib and either reads books, sings, talks or kicks the side of the crib.
* Had her first ear infection. The combination of cold weather and teething was too much for Delia's immune system. The poor thing didn't sleep well for several days so I finally took her to the doctor and sure enough, her ear was infected. Luckily some antibiotics seemed to do the trick and she quickly returned to her normal, happy, sleep-loving self.
Delia brings such laughter to our home. She is becoming quite the silly little girl. She loves to dance and we see her bopping around the house all the time. Here are some pictures of our adorable little lady at 14 months:
Standing on the podium at gymnastics class
Playing play doh with John Grayson
Being silly
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