Sunday, March 21, 2010

Spring is here!

The weather has finally gotten warmer here in Richmond, after a long, cold and snowy winter. The kids absolutely LOVE playing outside and it's cute to watch them playing together. Delia desperately wants to be a "big kid" and tries to do everything she sees John Grayson doing. She is especially fond of standing on top of the sand box and seems to like digging in the dirt and chasing the dog. JGray still loves to dig for dinosaur bones but has now added hitting the baseball and kicking the soccer ball into his list of must do's.

We took a walk around the neighborhood to enjoy the weather. JGray was a reckless tricycle driver, so we had to threaten to bench him. Delia loves the wagon and her sunglasses. She is such a girl!

We managed to snap a silly photo of the kids on the deck.

This weekend we took the kids to Maymont for our visit of the spring. John Grayson loved seeing all of the animals and running around. Delia seemed pretty content in the stroller (because she had a great view), but also loved petting the goats and chasing her big brother. We saw the animals at the Children's Farm, had a picnic lunch and then let the kids run through the grass. It was a wonderful day!

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