Thursday, December 25, 2008

Blue Tricycle

A few weeks back John Grayson made his Christmas Wish to Santa. Well it turns out he was a good boy and today Santa delivered.

How much do you love Daddy?

Allison asked John Grayson to tell Daddy that he loves him.

He obliged.

As JGray was giving me a great big hug, I asked him how much he loves me, he responded;

'Daddy.... I love you more than balls'.

Seeing that he plays with footballs, basketballs, soccer balls, and baseballs all day long, I'm quite touched.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Christmas Cookies and Tacky Lights

Some of you may know that John's family has a sugar cookie recipe that has been around for generations. How the Virginia Schmitt's are the ones carrying on the tradition is beyond me, but we've gotten pretty good at them. Hopefully we make the family proud.

This year we decided to make John Grayson a more active participant in the two day process. John and I made the dough on Tuesday night (god bless the KitchenAide mixer) and then JGray helped make cookies and decorate them on Wednesday night. Since the last day of school was Thursday, we were on a pretty tight timeline to have the cookies made and wrapped.

Not only do we have a future singer on our hands, but we may also have a future chef. JGray was very good at spreading flour and making the perfect amount of mess, although we're not sure if more flour ended up on his shirt or on the cookies.

Here are a few photos from our baking bonanza:

Fun with flour. Note that the shirt is still relatively clean (but not for long).

Still having fun, although he's wearing a lot more flour at this point in the evening.

Tasting the final product. Is it me or does he remind you of that mom in the Rice Krispie treats commercial who throws flour on her face to make it look like she worked hard??

We also decided to do our own mini Tacky Lights tour on Saturday night. We substituted chocolate milk for hot chocolate and brought a few of our masterpiece cookies along for the adventure. John Grayson loved looking at the lights. There were lots of "Ooooh"s and "Oh"s coming from the back seat. His favorite part was the house that you could get out and walk around to see the lights. Daddy has his work cut out for him next year if he's going to be able to impress JGray :-)

Since this may be the last blog posting before Christmas, we wish a very Merry Christmas to all of our friends and family. To our family in Chicago, we will definitely miss you but will not miss all of that snow and those freezing temperatures!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Our Little Star

We received an early Christmas present to ourselves (a new iMac) and have been testing out its different capabilities. JGray provided us a stand out performance that gave us a chance to try to edit some video. Enjoy!

While he might not be American Idol worth just yet, we were quite entertained. Hopefully we will be able to get a Christmas carol out of him in the next couple days!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Earning a visit to Santa

In recent weeks a few there have been a few exciting developments that in many ways are telling us our little boy is growing up. As evidenced below, not only has he started to get along with the dog (Dusty is learning to tolerate him), John Grayson is also wearing a size 10 1/2 shoe. 

I do still feel a little room in the toe, but the boy sure is able to run around in them well. And by the way, doesn't he make Daddy's silly running hat look good? In addition to running around in my shoes, he has learned to 'help' me with the leaves. Once again, he convinced the dog that it would be a good idea to 'help' as well. 

Although we raked for about 3 hours, we made little progress (only 10 bags of leaves), so we still have quite a bit more to do. John Grayson has also become a big helper in setting up Christmas around the house. I will let you at home guess if he is putting up or taking down an ornament in this picture. 

As you can see, our little boy has been an exceptional help around the house the past week. For all of this good behavior, he earned a trip to see Santa at the Regency Mall this morning. Our Santa experience did not go so well last year, so Allison did not know what to expect. Well, this time it was an absolute success. 
John Grayson ran up and gave Santa a high-five. Santa picked him up on his lap and started asking him what he wanted for Christmas. John Grayson replied 'A big boy tricycle'. Good! Santa was already in the market for one of those... so this was going to be easy. But then Santa asked, what color do you want it? John Grayson looked at Santa, though for a second, and replied.. 'Blue'.  Hmmm, Santa's job just became a bit tougher....