Monday, August 30, 2010

Beach Week 2010

This year we spent a week at Kiawah Island near Charleston, SC with MaMa and Pop. It was an incredible week with great weather and fun times. The beach was absolutely beautiful and the waves were small enough for the kids to enjoy. John Grayson learned how to boogie board and had a blast running and digging in the sand. He kept saying that he loved the "small wave" beach (Kiawah) so much better than the "big wave" beach (Outer Banks) where we went last year. I'm sure the lack of red flag had something to do with his feelings :-) Delia loved running into the waves and splashing in the ocean. We got some great video of the kids playing that we'll post soon.

Here are some pictures from our beach week:

Friday, August 6, 2010

Happy Birthday John Grayson!

John Grayson had his 4th Birthday at Pump it Up this year.... for those that were not able to make this landmark event I hope you enjoy this quick video montage....

Dance Party

As many of you know, John Grayson and Delia LOVE to dance. We have a post-dinner dance party almost every night. This week John was able to capture it on film. Enjoy!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

4 Years Old!

It's hard to believe that John Grayson is 4 years old! I remember when he was a baby and seeing a 4 years old running around at the park or mall. I was surprised by old they seemed, how grown up and mature. Well, now that I have a 4 year old of my own, it seems even more surreal.

At 4 years old, John Grayson:
* Weighs 37lbs (50th percentile) and is 40 inches tall (50th percentile). He's not the tall boy that he was when he was younger, but he always seems to grow a few months after his birthday. I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't sprout up very soon.
* Loves space, exploring outside, running, jumping, kicking balls. Typical boy things. He also loves to do somersaults and handstands. Thanks to gymnastics class, JGray is very strong and loves to try out his new skills.
* Loves books. He's trying to teach himself to read, which is adorable to watch. We recently started reading chapter books to him (Magic Treehouse series), and he LOVES them! He'll sit there and listen to chapters at a time. More evidence that our little boy is growing up.
* Has an incredible vocabulary and a great memory. John and I are always surprised with what he remembers, whether it's a specific story or the details about one of our family adventures.
* Loves to laugh. He has the best belly laugh. It's impossible not to laugh yourself when you hear him.
* Is a great dancer. JGray and Delia love to end the day with a dance party, and John Grayson's dance moves are fantastic! He loves Bon Jovi (because 'it rocks') and has recently enjoyed some Black Eyed Peas and Lady GaGa.
* Adores his little sister. John Grayson is the best big brother. So affectionate and helpful. Of course, they have their moments (what siblings don't), but for the most part, I couldn't ask for a better big brother and role model for Delia.
* Can be a little shy at first but is very friendly, happy, and silly once he gets to know you.
* Is a wonderful friend. John Grayson makes friends wherever he goes. Evidence of his infectious personality was very apparent at his birthday party--30 children helped him celebrate!
* Is the proud owner of a big boy bike. Grandma and Grandpa bought JGray a big boy bike for his birthday and he's doing a great job pedaling it around the neighborhood. I think we're going to need a cruising bike for John so he can keep up with him!
* Is eager to get back to school. He went to two weeks of summer camp (at Bon View and the YMCA), and he had a blast. He's already started asking questions about his new class and teacher. He's going to school 3 days a week this year (MWF) and will stay late on Wednesdays to have lunch and play with his friends.

Here is a picture of John Grayson at 4 years old. He is very excited about his new bike!

John Grayson, your Daddy and I love you so very much and are so proud to be your Mommy and Daddy. You are growing into such a joyous, wonderful, sweet boy. To answer your question from this morning (which was "Were you sad before you had me?"), John Grayson, you and your sister bring unmeasurable joy into my life. Even on the most challenging days, having you as my son is rewarding beyond my wildest dreams. I love you!