Saturday, February 28, 2009

Delia's First Smile

Delia reached a huge milestone today. She smiled (intentionally) for the first time!! Luckily it wasn't a one-time thing so Allison was able to capture one of Delia's grins on film. She's also started "talking" (cooing) too!

Here is the first of many smiles from our cute little girl:

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Delia's First Play Date

Aunt Andrea is in town so we decided to make the drive to Charlottesville to visit with Aunt Oli and her new daughter Elsa. Elsa was born 2.5 weeks after Delia, so the girls have a lot in common. The morning was so exciting that both girls slept the entire time!

Here are a few pictures from our visit. We plan on keeping them for blackmail when they're older :-)

Aren't they adorable??

Still sleeping....



Friday, February 20, 2009

One Month Old

On Thursday, Delia was 1 month old! It's hard to believe that it's already been a month. Then again, it's hard to imagine life without her.

We are doing a pretty good job of being a family of four. So far we've managed not to forget a child when leaving the house. Mommy has somehow gotten to take a shower everyday and hasn't left the house with spit up in her hair. John Grayson still loves his Baby Delia and hasn't once asked us to send her back.

Delia is a very sweet and mellow little girl. She loves the sound of her big brother's voice (probably because it was the loudest voice she heard in the womb). She is getting bigger every day and still has a head full of hair. She tries to hold her head up and we get the occasional grin, although at this point, it's probably just gas.

Here's a picture of Delia on her one month birthday:

And for laughs, here's a picture of Chef JGray, cleaning up after making brownies:

Monday, February 16, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

This was a busy weekend in the Schmitt household. John was in Charlottesville for school (only two more weekends---hoorah!), so it was just the kids and I. Luckily everything went well, and with the help of my parents and two surprisingly cooperative children, we survived the weekend.

On Saturday, John Grayson went to a birthday party for his school friend Macey at the Richmond SPCA. Everyone had a wonderful time and the mascot Waggles was a huge hit. JGray and Macey were the only two kids who would dance and jump around with him. According to his teachers, JGray and Macey always have fun together, and today was no exception.

JGray and Macey dancing with Waggles

Hugs for Waggles

On Sunday, we went over to our friends the DeHaven's house for dinner. There were a few other families and LOTS of kids. JGray had a great time playing with his friends, and Delia slept the entire time. The moms decided to take advantage of the opportunity and took a picture of the dads and the kids. Note that Delia is sound asleep in her carrier :-)

Daddies and kids at the DeHaven's house

I've started feeling guilty about not posting enough pictures of Delia. Right now, she pretty much does the same things every single day---eat, "play," sleep and cry a little. She is starting to look more aware of things, and it's crazy to believe that she's 4 weeks old already. Before we know it, she'll be sitting up! Here are some photos of the little lady:

JGray and Delia


Sunday, February 8, 2009

A minute in the life....

Our little one doesn't do much, but she is pretty cute. Seeing that she doesn't dance, sing, or any of the other things that her big brother does on video, we figured we would give her some airtime anyway. She looks pretty happy, but then again most expressions are involuntary at this time, so it is probably just gas. The greatest excitement of this clip happens at about 48 seconds in. Enjoy!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Getting Bigger

Delia went to the doctor on Monday for her 2 week appointment. The doctor was very pleased with her progress, especially her weight gain. Now we're allowed to let her sleep uninterrupted at night. Hopefully she'll start giving us 4-5 hours straight. The doctor also thinks that Delia has the beginning of acid reflux, so more than likely we'll end up with some medicine to make her more comfortable. Actually, we had the medicine filled on Friday and now she seems much happier!

Here are Delia's new stats:
Weight 7lb 9oz (up 1 lb from the weight check 10 days ago!!)
Height 19.5 inches