Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Fabulously Fantastic Five

On September 26th, the newest member joined the Schmitt family.  Henry James Schmitt was born at 3:21pm, weighing 7lb 11oz and measuring 20.75 inches.  He's perfect, and all of us (especially JGray and Delia) are in love with him.  Our Fabulously Fantastic Family of Five is complete!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Back to School

And not to be left out, Delia also started school!  She's in preschool three mornings a week (Tuesday-Thursday-Friday) and has the most amazing teachers, Ms. Brooke and Ms. Nan.  There are a few familiar faces in her class, which helped her nerves.  As feisty as she can be, Delia has a shy streak and has always had some trouble transitioning into new situations.  We've been surprised by how easily she's adjusted to her new routine, and she happily heads off to school.  She's learning so many things and growing up so much!  We're looking forward to an incredible year!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

First Day of School

The day finally came when my baby climbed up the steps onto the big yellow school bus and went off to Kindergarten without me.  It was a bittersweet moment.  One the one hand I was so excited for him because he's beyond ready.  But on the other hand, I was very sad because I felt like I was losing my little boy.  It was probably the pregnancy hormones, but from what I've heard from friends, most of them feel very sad watching that bus drive away.  Luckily, I was able to keep my tears to a minimum and definitely held in until after he was at school.  In true crazy mommy fashion, I watched him climb on the bus and then ran to the car and drove to school.  Yes, I was that mom.  The one who wanted to make sure that nothing happened on the 5 minute bus drive and to watch him walk into his classroom.  Thank goodness I wasn't alone in my craziness and drove into a full parking lot.  I had asked for permission from a certain Kindergartener if it was okay to meet him at school.  He seemed totally in his element when I saw him, leading the way down the hall, and gave me a quick "Hi Mommy!" and a smile before marching into his classroom.

His teacher Mrs. Ruddy is AMAZING!  We seriously hit the teacher jack pot with her.  She's kind and bubbly and energetic and calm all at the same time.  Just what JGray needs :)

Here's to an amazing first year at Twin Hickory Elementary!!