Sunday, June 28, 2009

Five Months Old!

Sorry for the delay in writing this post, but we spent last week in Naperville with John's family. We had a wonderful time and John is working on a blog posting worthy of the trip.

Delia was five months old on the 19th and she continues to amaze us. At five months, Delia:
  • Sits up on her own! For the first week or so, she was hunched over but can now sit straight up without any assistance. She loves to sit on a blanket and play with her toys.
  • Flew on an airplane for the first time! She was a great traveler and played quietly or slept on both flights.
  • Ate solid food for the first time! Right now we're just feeding her rice cereal, but she seems to enjoy it even though it is pretty much flavorless. We'll slowly introduce new foods over the next several months.
  • Smiles all the time. Delia loves it when people talk to her and her entire face lights up with a huge smile. Laughs are few and far between but the smiles let you know that she's happy.
  • Sleeps on her tummy. Delia still isn't a great sleeper (although we're working on it), but she seems much more content now that she can roll over and get comfortable on her tummy.
  • Talks, a lot! Actually, she started talking the day of our flight to Chicago. It figures that she'd find her voice on the day when it would have been easier for her to be invisible. Good thing she used her happy voice for our fellow travelers.
  • Loves it when you sing to her and is particularly fond of John Grayson's music.
  • Grabs toys, including big brother's monster trucks. JGray isn't exactly thrilled about sharing his things, but hopefully he'll improve.

Here are a few pictures of Delia that I took this morning. She continues to look just like her big brother :-)

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