Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Seven Months Old!

Delia is 7 months old today! Over half way to being a year old. Amazing :-) She is becoming such a beautiful, determined, adventurous, mischievous, talkative, happy little girl. It is an absolute joy to watch her grow up. At 7 months old, Delia:
  • Is on the move! Delia has been crawling for a month now, but she has finally mastered the movement and gets where she wants to go now. For the most part, she is methodical in her movement, but once she focuses in on something, then she picks up speed and is remarkably quick. John Grayson is still adjusting to the idea that his little sister can crawl over and get into his things now. Some days are better than others, but all in all, we're adjusting nicely.
  • Pulls up. No, I'm not kidding. Not more than two weeks after she was truly mobile, little miss decided to start trying to climb. She's fearless too, which scares me. She likes to pull up on you if you're sitting on the floor and can also pull up on toys and almost on the couch. Watch out! Even scarier is that she will let go from time to time and doesn't mind falling over. She was crawling on John the other day (while he was laying on the floor), and when she reached his shoulders, she ducked her head and rolled right off. Yikes!
  • Said her first word---Ma. Yes, Delia is talking now. She babbles all the time (which is so different than John Grayson). When she really wants something (to eat, be picked up), she very loudly starts saying "Ma, ma, ma". Hmm, isn't she supposed to be a Daddy's girl?
  • Is quite the traveler. Delia and I flew to Charleston, SC last weekend to visit with Aunt Andrea and her 2-month old son Grant. She did a fantastic job on the plane, slept well during our visit, and even survived a 2.5 hour flight delay on the way home. Delia loved playing with Grant and was truly fascinated with him. We're hoping to 'encourage' those two to get married someday!
  • Sleeps well, for the most part. I still wouldn't call her a great sleeper, but Delia is doing much, much better. Most nights, she sleeps 7pm - 6am and I can 'ignore' her until almost 7am. A definite improvement!!
  • Is teething. Not sure how long it will take for those teeth to appear, but Delia is definitely cutting teeth. Thank goodness Orajel, Tylenol and Motrin seem to be keeping her comfortable. I promise to post pictures of her first tooth!!
  • Has a lot of hair. Her hair is filling in on the back and sides, so she's quickly moving away from her mohawk (thank goodness). Now comes the issue of figuring out what to do with her hair. I'm a little anxious about selecting the appropriate hair style for her!
  • Has started getting into everything. I affectionately call her my Mischief Maker. She LOVES John Grayson's toys and pretty much anything that she shouldn't be touching. It's time to baby proof the house again!
Here are a few pictures of Delia at 7 months:

In other exciting news, Delia now shares her birth date (the 19th) with another beautiful little girl. Aunt Sarah (one of my best friends and John Grayson's godmother) had a baby today!! Elizabeth Brennan Hutchens (or Bea as they're calling her) was born at 2:33pm in New York City. Since there are so many babies now, it helps that Delia and Bea were born on the same date. When I'm old and senile, I have a good shot of remembering it :-)

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