Sunday, April 11, 2010

Visit with Good Friends

Last Wednesday was a very special day because I got to spend it with two of my best friends and their adorable kids. Andrea and her son Grant came to Richmond for a few days to see her family during spring break, and Oli and her daughter Elsa drove down from Charlottesville for the day. John Grayson absolutely loves his "Aunts" and waited very patiently for them to arrive. He passed the time by naming them in the wedding pictures that we keep near the front door. Andrea also brought her niece Kate (5) and Jack (3 1/2) so it was a very full house! The kids had a wonderful time playing together and we even managed to have a dance party before everyone headed home for naps. It was a very special morning that made me eager to organize a beach vacation for all of the "aunts" and their families :-)

All of the kids had lunch together and were very well behaved!

Another one of the (in)famous Schmitt family dance parties

Our attempt at a picture of the little kids together

Delia and Elsa

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