Sunday, April 8, 2012

Spring is in the air!

Spring has arrived in Virginia, which means unpredictable weather but lots of fun reasons to play outside.  And in typical Schmitt family fashion, we've been staying very busy!

We've been to Maymont with good friends where we hiked, climbed and played.

We've been to the park, a lot!  Now that both kids aren't napping, we have more afternoon play time.  Sigh, I knew this "no nap" day was coming, but it hasn't made the transition any easier.  Luckily, they both still have "quiet time" in their rooms, which helps keep everyone (especially me) sane.  We've been able to meet at playgrounds with lots of our friends, and it's fun to end the day with friends.

And we've hunted eggs.  Lots and lots of eggs.  Our MOMS Club has an egg hunt every year and we also went to a Church egg hunt too.  Kids (LOTS of kids), plastic eggs, candy, and temporary tattoos--what could possibly be better?!

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