Sunday, January 26, 2014

5 Years Old!

At 5 years old, Delia is:

  • 41 inches (20th percentile) and 39 pounds (40th percentile) - She is a little peanut and is solid muscle. 
  • Learning to read - She's learning sight words and starting to put letter sounds together.  
  • Loves school and her teacher.  She's come a long way in the last three years.  Her teacher calls her "a teacher's dream student" because she's enthusiastic, eager to learn, kind and listens.  She is beyond ready for kindergarten (and chants "Kindergarten, here I come!" at least once a week).  We've tried to find reasons to take her to the elementary school (one of the perks of having an older sibling there), so she's already comfortable in the building.
  • The best big sister - Henry has brought out the best in her.  She is patient and kind and so very loving.  They adore each other.
  • Taking a gymnastics class after school.  She's been taking gymnastics for several years and loves it.  She's pretty good at it too.  Recently she was invited to be in a Jr All-Star (team development) class in which they start teaching actual gymnastics skills.  Her strength and flexibility are shining through, and it makes her very happy to be flipping and tumbling once a week.
  • Taking swim lessons (since late November) and has shocked all of us with how well she's done.  She's into her 3rd level and her newest teacher calls her "a natural."  We're eager to see how she does in the pool this summer.
  • Has started taking a ballet class after preschool once a week.  She loves getting to wear a leotard (with skirt, of course), pink tights and ballet slippers.  The teacher is amazing, and the class does little "recitals" every 6 weeks.  Cuteness to the max!
  • Loves to draw and color.  She makes pictures for friends and family, and her people almost always have clothes and accessories.
  • Has quite the imagination.  She has a myriad of stuffed animals on her bed most nights and dresses them and takes them on adventures.
  • Is a wonderful friend.
  • Has really matured and is a big helper at home.  
  • Wants to be a mommy and a teacher...or maybe a magician or an acrobat or a "police" (policewoman) when she grows up.
  • Her favorite colors are pink and purple (but sometimes blue and green and yellow make the cut)
  • Loves to have us read books to her.  Her favorites are Mercy Watson and any fairy tales.

Wow, Delia, it's so hard to think that you're already 5 years old.  Where has the time gone?  You are growing up so fast and are becoming the most amazing young lady.  Your kindness and compassion are a joy to witness, and that feisty personality of yours is magnetic.  You are so much fun to be around and I cannot wait to see what the next year has in store.  We love you!

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