Thursday, June 10, 2010

It might not be the Stanley Cup

John Grayson has earned his very first trophy!! We know this is the first of many, but that doesn't stop this proud momma from beaming with pride :-)

JGray has been taking a gymnastics class since September. He absolutely loves it and has become noticeably stronger and more flexible. He does a killer somersault, can walk his feet up the wall into a handstand, and can do a flip over the bar. We've even seen a cartwheel. There were a few points during the year that JGray decided that he didn't want to go to class, but the one thing that kept him going was the knowledge that he would earn a trophy if he took the class for the entire school year.

Yes, the trophy became a bribe at some points, but if you asked John Grayson if he liked gymnastics, then you would get an emphatic YES!

This is the trophy. And yes, that is a BOY gymnast!

Our sweaty little gymnast. He is soooo proud of himself!

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