Sunday, September 5, 2010

More Random iPhone Photos

I have been using the phone more and more lately to capture some of the kids cute moments. Here are some from the late summer.

Grandma Schmitt came out to visit for a week earlier in August. The first weekend she was here they were having the Dragon Boat festival down near Rocketts Landing. Seeing as none of us had been to such a festival we thought it would be a treat... apparently Delia did not appreciate the Dragon Boats as much as the rest of us.

For his birthday this year John Grayson got his first big boy bike. He has been taking to it slowly as he is weary of falling (with good reason as he has managed to tip the bike with training wheels a few times thus far). Hopefully he builds more confidence through the fall so he could be cruising around next summer.

This summer our beach vacation took us a little further south the Kiawah Island, SC. The kids loved the beach there as the waves were so small the could run into the ocean pretty far.

In addition, they got along famously all week long. I know that they will not always get along this well so I am trying to take full advantage of these memories...
It has also been quite fun this summer to go around and explore what Richmond has to offer now that Delia is more mobile. Maymont has become much more fun for all of us...especially the Japanese Garden. The kids had a great time hopping the stones and playing near the waterfall.
The last picture is not of our kids, but of a random picture they have at the entrance of our library. Every time I walk past it I do a double take thinking it it JGray and Delia. I figured I'd get a picture because I do think it looks quite a bit like them...

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