Sunday, December 5, 2010

Fuzzle Fisbee

Last year, it seemed that everyone I knew was talking about their Elves. Elves? As in a Christmas Elves? Huh? If it seems strange, then I was right there with you. It made no sense to me either. Especially when I overheard some people talking about using their magical Christmas elves as a way to ensure good behavior in their kids. Seriously?!

Let me explain. The Elf on the Shelf is a roughly 4 inch tall doll, dressed in a red suit (like Santa). As the story goes, the Elf (the kids get to name it) watches what the kids do and reports back to Santa every night. Good or bad. According to the book, these reports help Santa make his Naughty or Nice determination come Christmas Eve. The Elf appears in a different place in the house each day, and it's up to the kids to find him.

Last year, I managed to avoid buying an Elf because both kids were too young to understand. However, this year, I thought it might be fun to bring some Christmas magic into the house. I'm still opposed to the idea of using the Elf as a means to ensuring good behavior, but I thought the kids might like searching for the Elf each day. I ordered the package online (gotta love Amazon) and John and I brought the book out on December 1st to introduce the concept to the kids.

Well, John Grayson was NOT a fan of the idea of having an Elf in our house. I think the thought of this little creature stalking him daily, watching his every move was a little too much for him. JGray is such a rule-follower. He is a very good little boy, with the occasional moments of naughtiness, and he seemed genuinely concerned that this Elf was going to ruin his chances of getting presents from Santa. John and I overheard him in the hallway talking to Santa. He said, "Santa, I do NOT want an Elf in my house. Thank you." We were pretty worried that he'd freak when he saw him the next morning. Luckily, the kids and their Elf got off to a good start. They named him Fuzzle (okay, John Grayson named him Fuzzle) and gave him the last name of Fisbee (after a name they saw in their Elf on the Shelf book). Fuzzle has had a few nights of mischief (of which J Gray was NOT a fan), but so far so good. Let's hope the magic continues until Christmas!

In case you were curious, here's what our infamous Elf looks like:

After looking at him, you have to admit that he does look a little creepy. Like those eyes really could watch your every move ;-)

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