Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Not the way I was hoping to start my day

I had Bunco last night so John put the kids to bed. When I got home, he mentioned that Delia had been a little naughty and taken not only her pajamas but also her diaper off during her "falling asleep" time. She did WHAT?! Luckily it was a one-time thing and I went to bed without thinking much of it. Silly me....... I heard Delia on the monitor this morning around 6am. Typically I ignore her and did so until about 6:45 when she started calling my name. Since this is not normal for her, I decided to investigate. I was not prepared for what I discovered.

Delia. In the crib. Naked. Standing in a wet spot. Laughing.


I tried not to acknowledge any more than I needed to. I simply picked her up, said "Yuck, Delia," gave her a new diaper, re-dressed her, covered the wet spot with blankets and went back to bed for 15 minutes. I just wasn't prepared to start my day with a naked, pee-covered toddler. John Grayson came in promptly at 7:00 (as usual) and I told both he and John my story. They both laughed. It was so not funny. When I went in to her room to get her, Delia was laughing too.

And then I smiled and laughed, because it is pretty funny.

Delia may look angelic and sweet, but that girl is a trouble-maker. Good thing she's so cute and gives great hugs and kisses.

I may love her dearly, but I am not stupid. She went to bed tonight with tape holding her diaper on. Of course, I just had to go into her room because she was undressed and stuck in the crib, so maybe I'm not that smart after all. But now she's wearing her pajamas backwards. Take that, little lady!

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