Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Our Big Girl

We've been working on potty training with Delia for quite a while.  She usually did pretty well at home but had no interest in using the potty at school.  Her stubborn streak was in full-force and it was a power struggle that she was determined to win.

John and I had enough of wet pull-ups, so we decided to stop using them on Saturday.  How many pairs of underwear could she possibly pee in?  Don't answer that question ;-)  I was prepared for some issues, but Delia rose to the occasion and stayed dry on Saturday, Sunday and even Monday!  Go Delia!  The next big hurdle was.........SCHOOL.  She had never been dry at school and had never gone on the potty for her teachers.  But, Delia was insistent that "I no go pee-pee in my underwear at school" so we had to let her try.  Her teacher seemed very skeptical.  I was hoping for the best but prepared for the worst (I sent her to school with 4 changes of clothes, just in case!)  When I picked her up at school, she was WEARING THE SAME CLOTHES SHE WENT TO SCHOOL IN!  NO ACCIDENTS!!!  The teacher was definitely shocked (and I have to admit that I was too).  She was so proud of herself; it was amazing to see :-)  And of course there was ice cream to celebrate. 

Fingers crossed Day #2 of no pull-ups at school goes as well as Day #1!!!!

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