Friday, January 27, 2012

Princess Party for our little princess

All Delia wanted for her 3rd birthday was a princess party.  She didn't give any other specifics, just "Mommy, I want princess party for my birfday."  Ask child, and you shall receive because we through one heck of a princes party (if I do say so myself).  I ordered all sorts of princess goodies (crowns, wants, jewelry) from Oriental Trading Company and found someone in town to create the perfect princess cake (my friend who usually makes the kid's cakes had just had a baby and wasn't up to baking yet).  When brainstorming, I thought it would be cute and fun for the girls to have some time to dress up with costume jewelry.  I assigned John the task of finding inexpensive costume jewelry, and he set off putting his internet searching capabilities to great use.  He found GIANT bags of costume jewelry on ebay, and after some cleaning (i.e., spraying with lots of Lysol) they were perfect.  For food, we had finger sandwiches (PB&J shaped like crowns, stars and shoes), fruit kebabs (strawberries, pineapple, grapes and marshmallows) and cheese.

And of course, we told all the girls to dress up.  Not to be left out, I searched around (aka, asked on Facebook) to see if anyone knew where I could find a cheap old prom dress.  As luck would have it, a friend from the gym still had her prom dress from the '80s and told me I could borrow it.  Perfect does not begin to describe this dress.  I looked like a big dollop of yellow frosting, but Princess Delia loved it (and I enjoyed seeing the moms' reactions when they dropped their daughters off at the party).

Everyone had a wonderful time, especially Princess Dee-Dee :-)

Here are some photos from her special day:

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