Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Baby Schmitt #3 who is due on 9/22/12!

Everyone (especially the kids) is very excited about this little peanut.  Delia calls it "my baby" and John Grayson loves to rub my belly.  They are going to be an amazing big brother-big sister team this fall.  I had a rough first 12 weeks (LOTS of nausea and fatigue), but things have been smooth sailing since then.  We had the big 20 week ultrasound yesterday, and the baby looked perfect!  No cyst drama like with Delia, no short legs like with John Grayson.  I'm hoping this means Baby #3 is going to be low-key and drama-free once he/she arrives!  We decided to keep the gender a surprise until the birth, so no announcements on pink or blue.  The kids go back and forth as to whether they think it's a brother or a sister.  Luckily they seem happy either way, just like Mommy and Daddy :-)

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