Saturday, May 26, 2012

Last Day of Preschool and The End of an Era

John Grayson is officially a Kindergartener!  We registered for school in mid-April (he'll be attending Twin Hickory ES in our neighborhood), but he still had a few weeks of preschool left.  The last few weeks of school were happily busy, filled with parties and planning for summer vacation.  On Thursday, JGray had his End of Year Program at preschool where he "graduated" and received a Pre-K certificate (or "diploma").  The 4 year old and Pre-K students (there were almost 100 of them!) also sang some of their favorite songs from the year and there was a slideshow with pictures from the entire year.  I did my best to hold it together and only teared up briefly when his class came forward to receive their certificates. JGray has had the most wonderful year and we've loved his teacher, Mrs. Mary.   She's given him exactly what he needed and we're confident in his ability to thrive next year in Kindergarten.

Here are some pictures from the big day:

Our big boy has grown by 2 inches and 2 pounds since the beginning of the school year!

Now this is a boy who is SO EXCITED for Kindergarten!!

 We made these shirts at JGray's End of Year Party on Wednesday.  They turned out even cuter than I hoped!  Each child put his/her handprint on the shirt and we wrote the names underneath.  A fun memory of a fun year!

 JGray's class lined up at the program to receive their certificates.  Sniff sniff..

 They let the Pre-K kids sing a song in front since all of them are headed to Kindergarten in the fall.  

JGray and the amazing, Mrs. Mary!

JGray and his good buddy, Hunter.  These two have been playmates since they were 18 months old!

JGray and Daddy after graduation

All of us after graduation

JGray and his friend, Jack

My sweet boy and I after graduation

 And not be left out, here's our big girl Delia who just finished the 2.5 year old program at Mount Vernon!  She has grown up so much during the school year.  She was quite shy at first (a total shock to me!) but has blossomed and loved her teachers, Mrs. Sarah and Ms. Anna.  We are very excited to see how much she develops next year in the 3 year old program!

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